Shipping is a key component in ensuring social development and growth through trade – accounting for 90% of the world’s transported goods. With the growing climate emergency, it has never been more important to develop efficient, reliable and smart solutions for the transport of goods from producers to buyers all over the world.
Our responsibility efforts are integral to our business strategy and support our purpose of enabling smarter global trade. We work with three focus areas: Climate & Environment, People and Anti-Corruption. These three areas direct our efforts, ongoing improvements and overall aims within responsibility focus.
Responsibility focus areas
Climate and environment
The world faces an urgent carbon problem. 3% of global carbon emissions come from shipping and we, as an industry, have a responsibility to take action on reducing our climate impact. Many of our customers are facing intense pressure to decarbonise their own supply chains. We are committed to helping our customers to decarbonise their supply chains, by bringing them transparency over the carbon emissions of each and every voyage; and the tools to reduce emissions.
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Climate and environment
Our people at NORDEN are our most important resource. We aim to be an attractive employer that offers a safe, healthy, inclusive and engaging working environment in which all employees have equal opportunities to realise their potential. We recognise that successful teams are diverse teams. We are therefore committed to increasing employee diversity and have set targets and initiatives aimed at growing our share of female employees.

Our purpose is to enable smarter global trade. Corruption impedes access to global markets and constitutes barriers to economic and social development around the world. In the maritime sector, corruption escalates costs, endangers the safety of crew and poses legal and reputational risks. NORDEN has taken several initiatives towards a maritime industry free from corruption. We have a zero-tolerance policy on bribery, and we say no to facilitation payments.

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Sustainability reporting
Up until 2018, NORDEN have conducted sustainability reporting via. separate sustainability reports. However, since 2019 sustainability reporting have been integrated into the annual report. At NORDEN we register our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and the impact of climate change on our business with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) on a yearly basis. NORDEN’s Executive Management considers the implications of climate change in business planning and long-term market and risk analyses.